Jason Pack has dedicated his career to researching Libya’s history, politics, culture, and economics. Working as an academic, consultant, and commentator he provides impartial analysis on Libya to decision makers, businesses, investors and the public. Jason’s new book Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder argues that the Libyan conflict constitutes the ideal microcosm in which to identify the salient features of our new era of geopolitics and is the culmination of his two decades’ of experience working on the Middle East. It is to be published in 2021 by Hurst.
Advisory activity
Since 2011, Jason Pack and his consultancy Libya-Analysis LLC have produced evidence-based analysis, forecasting and research on Libya
for Western enterprises and governments. With a highly skilled network of Libyan and international analysts, Libya-Analysis LLC has expertise across a range of sectors and disciplines including political risk, oil and gas, shipping, security, economic institutions, international development, and business intelligence.
Non-profit commitment
In 2015, Jason founded Eye on ISIS, an American non-profit 501(c)(3) with a core mission to promote a more nuanced and accurate understanding of Islamist movements and the threat of different strains of Islamic militancy. Eye on ISIS’s flagship project is Libya Security Monitor (LSM) which tracks the activities of Libya’s armed groups and political actors, the Islamic State’s offshoot in Libya as well as the other Libyan jihadi movements.
Media and think tank presence
Jason’s articles have appeared in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Spectator, The Financial Times, The Petroleum Economist, The Guardian, Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs. Jason is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Middle East Institute and writes deep-dive think tank reports for a range of institutions, including the Atlantic Council in Washington and the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome.
Background Information
Jason is one of a handful of American academics to have been able to live and research in Libya during the Qadhafi era. Capitalizing on this unique experience and an ensuing stint administering the U.S.-Libya Business Association, he runs a widely consulted independent blog on Libyan politics – Libya-Analysis.com.
Jason holds a MSt in global and imperial History from Oxford University.
He has lived more than seven years in the Middle East (e.g. Oman, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Lebanon), He speaks and reads Arabic and French.

Turning the Tide: How Turkey Won the War for Tripoli
Middle East Institute (MEI), www.mei.edu
November 2020

An International Financial Commission is Libya’s Last Hope
Middle East Institute (MEI), www.mei.edu
September 2020

The UN Deliberately (Albeit Mistakenly) Accorded Sovereignty to Post-Qadhafi Libya’s Economic Institutions
Middle East Institute (MEI), www.mei.edu
September 2019

How Libya’s Economic Structures Enrich the Militias
Middle East Institute (MEI), www.mei.edu
September 2019

It's the Economy Stupid: How Libya's Civil War Is Rooted in Its Economic Structures
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), https://www.iai.it
September 2019
Jason is also the author or co-author of
"The Antecedents and Implications of the so-called Anglo-Sanussi War (1915-17)", in "The First World War and its Aftermath: The Shaping of the Middle East", edited by T.G. Fraser, Ginkgo Library, September 2015
"The July 2012 Libyan Election and the Origin of Post-Qadhafi Appeasement", The Middle East Journal, Volume 69, Number 2, Spring 2015, pp. 171-198
"The Foreword for "Operation Idris: Inside the British Administration of Cyrenaica and Libya, 1942-52", Silphium Press, 2015
“Mu’ammur Qadhafi: Power, Personality, and Ideology”, in Frank Jacob, ed. "Dictatorships without Violence? How Dictators Assert Their Power", Comparative Studies from a Global Perspective, Vol. 2, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2014
"Libyan Constitutionality and Sovereignty Post-Qadhafi: the Islamist, Regionalist, and Amazigh Challenges", Journal of North African Studies, Fall 2013, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 523-543
produces the Flagship-Project
CRCM is a proud funding sponsor of Libya Security Monitor (LSM), Eye on ISIS’s flagship project.
The LSM is a pro-bono repository of non-partisan, cross-checked information on security developments in Libya. It tracks the activities of Libya’s armed groups and political actors, the international community, and the Islamic State’s offshoot in Libya as well as other Libyan jihadi groups. The LSM is a valuable resource for governments, think-tanks, and businesses concerned with Libya’s security space.
Each week, the LSM provides updates in four categories:
Libyan Actors
International Actors
Other Jihadi Groups
All information derives from local sources or media reports and is cross-checked and verified before publication. This high-quality research seeks to inform research and policy making on Libya.
To check out this week’s security incidents and jihadi activities click here.
To receive Libya Security Monitor’s weekly newsletter, please visit
[link to be added – for the beta version this is https://libyasecuritymonitor.myworldwide.pl/subscribe/]
to subscribe.
Libyan Jihad Monitor
CRCM is a proud funding sponsor of EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA, a pro-bono repository of non-partisan, cross-checked information about the development of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) offshoot in Libya as well as the other Libyan jihadi movements from which it derives and with which it occasionally competes.
The vision for this site came in 2015 as Jason Pack (its founder and CRCM's Senior Libya Advisor) was increasingly inundated with questions by Western media and governments about ISIS’ latest activities in Libya. As Jason had previously focused on Libyan history, economy, constitutional developments, and diplomacy, he struggled to answer these questions himself yet could find no repository of definitive and comprehensive information about ISIS in Libya to recommend.
There were scholars specializing in the Muslim Brotherhood in North Africa and others with expertise about al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb or the spread of Salafism from Egypt westward, but because ISIS was such a new and dynamic phenomenon and Libya such an understudied country there were per force no experts dedicated exclusively to the study of ISIS in Libya. Out of this realization, EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA was born. To make this dream a reality, Jason has established a team of experts who collect and disseminate information on ISIS and other jihadi groups in Libya:
Each week, this “ISIS in Libya monitoring service” provides updates in four sections:
ISIS in Action,
Western Response,
Other Jihadi Groups, and
The Anti-ISIS Coalition.
To receive this information as a weekly email, please go to CRCM's collaboration partner EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA on www.eyeonisisinlibya.com and subscribe to their Newsletter.